Withdrawal of consent to, and abatement of, suits for refund of tax on mineral interests, etc.
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The consent of the State of Mississippi, however expressed, for maintaining any suit to recover from the state or any county thereof, or any supervisors' district, or any road district, school district, or other district thereof, a refund of ad valorem taxes heretofore paid upon royalties, overriding royalties, working interests, leases, or any other interests in oil, gas, or other minerals however described or created, either owned separate and apart from the surface rights or otherwise, is hereby withdrawn and the state hereby declares that it refuses to consent to any suit in any county or state, or any federal court therein maintaining the suit for the purpose of securing a refund of any ad valorem taxes on any such mineral interests, heretofore paid into the state treasury, or any county treasury, or any other officer or depository authorized to receive such funds. In any case, where suit has already been instituted to recover such taxes, so paid into any public treasury or depository, unless paid under protest, or duress, it shall be and is hereby abated, dismissed, and further proceedings forbidden.
Any order hereafter entered by any person, board, or officer whether state, county, district or other body, which has allowed, issued, or approved a refund of such taxes is hereby abated, made void and payment prohibited as to such ad valorem tax on such interests of any kind whatsoever in oil, gas, or other minerals having or purporting to have the authority to allow, approve, or refund any taxes so paid to any officer or depository, such order or evidence of debt purported to authorize, approve, allow any such refund is withdrawn and rendered wholly null and void so far as any such refund is authorized or purported to be authorized thereby, unless the taxes for which refund is sought, were paid under protest or duress.
This section shall operate to prohibit any such refunding of such ad valorem taxes mentioned in the preceding paragraphs from and after April 9, 1948, so that no further proceedings may be taken in any of the provisions mentioned heretofore for such purpose, and no appeal shall be authorized or allowed from the order of abatement or dismissal and such orders allowing appeals from the dismissal or abatement of said suits are rendered null and void in the court to which such appeals are prosecuted. They shall be dismissed by such court, with costs.