[Through June 30, 2020, this section shall read as follows:]
When the assessor shall assess the persons or property, as provided in Section 27-35-155 and shall file the same with the clerk as therein provided, the clerk shall enter the same on the last approved roll or rolls in his hands, separately for former years, and for the current year. The clerk shall immediately give ten (10) days' notice in writing, to the person or corporation whose property is thus assessed, that all objections to such assessment must be made in writing to the board of supervisors, and will be heard and determined at the next regular meeting of the board. The board at its regular meeting may continue the matter to any other regular, special or adjourned meeting of said board. When the assessment is finally fixed and approved by the board, an appeal to the circuit court may be taken from the order of the board approving or disapproving such assessment, by the owner of the property, or by the Attorney General or other officer authorized by law, in the manner, and within the time, provided by law. If the assessment be approved and no appeal be taken, when the same has been finally determined, the clerk shall certify the said assessment to the tax collector, setting forth in his certificate the year or years for which such assessment is made, and separately the current assessment, the name of the municipality, road district, school district, or other taxing district in which the same is located. Taxes for the current year shall be collected as provided by law for other nondelinquent taxes. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the tax collector shall proceed forthwith to collect all taxes due on said assessment for the former year or years at the rates fixed by law and, in addition thereto, shall collect as a penalty ten percent (10%) of the amount of the taxes due for each year, together with interest at six percent (6%) per annum computed from the first day of February on which the taxes should have been paid. If property is found to have escaped taxation due to a county board of supervisors having granted any ad valorem tax exemption authorized under Sections 27-31-101 through 27-31-117 and then inadvertently allowing the exemption to extend beyond the period authorized by law for the exemption, a taxpayer may pay the ad valorem taxes, without any penalty or interest, which otherwise would have been levied on the property had it not been inadvertently exempted from ad valorem taxation by the county board of supervisors. If the taxes, penalties and interest shall not be paid within thirty (30) days after the final assessment is certified to him, the property, if it be real estate, shall be sold as provided by law, and if it be personal property, the tax collector shall proceed to collect by distress, or otherwise, as provided by law.