License and stickers

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Every person engaged in the business of owning or placing on location for the purpose of operation any slot amusement machine shall file an application for a license with the officer collecting the tax on forms furnished by him for that purpose. The application shall contain such information as may be required and shall be accompanied by remittance for the amount of tax and any penalty required.

The tax levied shall be due and payable annually and all licenses issued under the provisions of this article shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of purchase. A license may be renewed and stickers affixed to the machine without penalty during the anniversary month twelve (12) months from the date of purchase. The amount of the license tax to be paid for a period of less than twelve (12) months shall be that proportionate amount of the annual license tax that the number of months, or fractional part thereof, remaining until the anniversary month next bears to twelve (12) months.

The officer collecting the tax shall issue a license or sticker on a form to be prescribed by him. Such license or stickers shall be securely affixed or attached to the machine to which it applies in such manner as to be readily visible and shall be affixed before the machine is operated or played. The absence of a proper license or sticker affixed to a machine shall be prima facie evidence of failure to pay the tax levied for operation of the machine.

The license shall entitle the owner or the person placing the machine on location for the purpose of operation to operate a machine of the type specified for twelve (12) months.

When ownership of a machine upon which a valid license or sticker is attached is transferred to another person, no additional tax shall be required. If the machine is moved to a location in a county or municipality other than the county or municipality in which the machine has been properly licensed, then no additional license or tax shall be required or due until the expiration of the current license. In no case may a license be transferred from one machine to another machine.

No refund shall be allowed for failure or inability to exercise the privilege granted after the license has been issued.

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