Special license tags or plates; Boy Scouts of America
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Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2007, any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the Boy Scouts of America. Subject to the approval of the State Tax Commission, the distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the Andrew Jackson Council, Boy Scouts of America, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.
Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission. The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission. The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.
Any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees. The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrently with the vehicle's established license tag year. The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag. If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.
The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected. At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section. The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:
Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Andrew Jackson Council, Boy Scouts of America, or its successor by merger or otherwise. The Andrew Jackson Council shall distribute the fees so received to the councils of the Boy Scouts of America with council boundaries covering any part of the State of Mississippi, including the Andrew Jackson Council, with the fees to be distributed to each of those councils on the basis of the fees generated by the purchase of the distinctive license tags within the counties covered by the particular council boundary. The State Tax Commission shall furnish to the Andrew Jackson Council such information as is necessary for the Andrew Jackson Council to distribute the fees in the manner herein provided. The Andrew Jackson Council is authorized to deduct an administrative fee from the fees distributed to the councils in such amount as is approved by the individual councils receiving the fees to be distributed.
One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Burn Care Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.
Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.
One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 27-19-44.2.
A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section. The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section. The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.
In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37. The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00). The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.
In order for a distinctive license tag to be issued under this section, the provisions of Section 27-19-44(2) must be satisfied for the distinctive license tag before July 1, 2010.