Special license tags or plates

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  1. For any distinctive license tag or plate authorized by the Legislature from and after July 1, 2000, through June 30, 2002, or authorized by Sections 27-19-56.37 and 27-19-56.55, the requirements of this subsection must be met before the Department of Revenue may prepare or issue any such license tag or plate. The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must submit proof satisfactory to the Department of Revenue that at least one hundred (100) of such license tags or plates will be purchased and must deposit with the department an amount necessary to purchase one hundred (100) of such license tags or plates. The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must satisfy the requirements of this subsection (1) within two (2) years after the effective date of the law authorizing the license tag or plate in order to permit the license tag or plate to be prepared and issued.
  2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (1) of this section, for any distinctive license tag or plate authorized by the Legislature from and after July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2007, the requirements of this subsection must be met before the Department of Revenue may prepare or issue any such license tag or plate. The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must submit proof satisfactory to the Department of Revenue that at least two hundred (200) of such license tags or plates will be purchased and must deposit with the department an amount necessary to purchase two hundred (200) of such license tags or plates. The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must satisfy the requirements of this subsection (2) within three (3) years after the effective date of the law authorizing the license tag or plate in order to permit the license tag or plate to be prepared and issued.
  3. Except as otherwise provided in this section, Section 27-19-56.56, Section 27-19-56.59, Section 27-19-56.94, Section 27-19-56.7 or Section 27-19-56.85, for any distinctive license tag or plate authorized or reauthorized by the Legislature from and after July 1, 2007, the following requirements must be met before the Department of Revenue may prepare or issue any such license tag or plate:
    1. The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must submit proof satisfactory to the Department of Revenue that at least three hundred (300) of such license tags or plates will be purchased and must deposit with the department an amount necessary to purchase three hundred (300) of such license tags or plates.
    2. The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must satisfy the requirements of paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) within three (3) years after the effective date of the law authorizing the license tag or plate in order to permit the license tag or plate to be prepared and issued. This paragraph (b) shall not apply to distinctive tags or plates issued under Section 27-19-56.154.
  4. Any distinctive license tag authorized under Sections 27-19-56.186, 27-19-56.203 and 27-19-56.315 must meet the requirements of this subsection before the Department of Revenue may prepare or issue any such license tag or plate. The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must submit proof satisfactory to the Department of Revenue that at least one hundred (100) of such license tags or plates will be purchased and must deposit with the department an amount necessary to purchase one hundred (100) of such license tags or plates. The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must satisfy the requirements of this subsection (4) within three (3) years after the effective date of the law authorizing the license tag or plate in order to permit the license tag or plate to be prepared and issued.
  5. The distinctive license tags authorized under Section 27-19-56.108 must meet the requirements of this subsection before the Department of Revenue may prepare or issue any such license tag or plate. The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must submit proof satisfactory to the Department of Revenue that at least two hundred (200) of such license tags or plates will be purchased and must deposit with the department an amount necessary to purchase two hundred (200) of such license tags or plates.
  6. If the organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate meets the requirements of subsection (1), (2), (3), (4) or (5) of this section, the Department of Revenue shall prepare and issue the distinctive license tag or plate.
  7. The Department of Revenue shall review the number of distinctive or special license tags or plates issued pursuant to this chapter during the period for the license tag or plate series. If the number of any distinctive or special license tag or plate issued pursuant to this chapter falls below one hundred (100) in the last year of the license tag or plate series, the distinctive or special license tag or plate shall be discontinued at the end of the period for the license tag or plate series.
  8. If a distinctive or special license tag or plate is discontinued under subsection (7) of this section, the organization or other entity for which the license tag or plate was discontinued may prepare a distinctive or special license tag or plate decal. The distinctive or special license tag or plate decal shall be of such size, color and design as may be agreed upon by the organization or other entity and the Department of Revenue. However, the Department of Revenue shall have final approval of the size, color and design of the decal. The distinctive or special license tag or plate decals shall be prepared and sold by the organization or other entity, and the proceeds derived from the sale of such decals shall be retained by the organization or other entity for any use deemed appropriate by the organization or other entity.
  9. The provisions of this section shall not apply to distinctive or special license tags or plates:
    1. Which are issued under Section 27-19-45, 27-19-46, 27-19-47.1, 27-19-47.2, 27-19-48, 27-19-49, 27-19-53, 27-19-55, 27-19-56, 27-19-56.1, 27-19-56.2, 27-19-56.3, 27-19-56.5, 27-19-56.6, 27-19-56.9, 27-19-56.11, 27-19-56.12, 27-19-56.13, 27-19-56.62, 27-19-56.69, 27-19-56.79, 27-19-56.90, 27-19-56.125, 27-19-56.127, 27-19-56.137, 27-19-56.162, 27-19-56.187, 27-19-56.199, 27-19-56.239, 27-19-56.292, 27-19-56.318, 27-19-56.379,27-19-56.466 or 27-19-56.489; or
    2. For which no additional fee is required to be paid.

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