Assessment of taxes and penalties; execution of bond in lieu of seizure and impoundment of vehicle; tax liens and warrants to effect collection of assessed taxes; application of Mississippi Sales Tax Law to persons liable for taxes under this article

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  1. In addition to any other remedy provided in this article, the Commissioner of Revenue or his designated officers or agents, or the Executive Director of the Department of Transportation or his designated officers or agents are authorized to assess taxes and/or fines and penalties as provided by this article, notice of which assessment shall be delivered to the owner or operator or his agent at the time of assessment, by mail or personal delivery, to be collected as hereinafter provided in this section.
  2. In lieu of seizure and impoundment of vehicles as provided by Section 27-19-135, the Commissioner of Revenue or Executive Director of the Department of Transportation may, in their discretion, authorize any owner or operator of a motor vehicle found to be operated in violation of the provisions of this article to execute and file with the Department of Revenue or Executive Director of the Department of Transportation a good and valid bond written by a surety company authorized to do business in this state in an amount equal to the taxes and/or fines and penalties assessed because of such violation conditioned upon the prompt payment when due of all such taxes and/or fines and penalties. If the Commissioner of Revenue or Executive Director of the Department of Transportation is satisfied that such owner or operator has property located in this state of value in excess of the amount of said taxes and/or fines and penalties, it may waive the bond requirement.
  3. If the Commissioner of Revenue or Executive Director of the Department of Transportation shall elect to assess taxes and/or fines and penalties imposed by this article under provisions of this section, it may authorize such terms for payment as shall be deemed appropriate over a period of time not to exceed six (6) months. Notice of such terms shall be given to the owner or operator by mail or personal delivery.
  4. If the person thus assessed or liable for the payment of taxes and/or fines and penalties imposed by this article shall fail or refuse to make payment when due, the Commissioner of Revenue or Executive Director of the Department of Transportation may file notice of tax liens and issue warrants in the same manner and with the same effect as liens and warrants are issued and executed upon under the provisions of Sections 27-65-57 through 27-65-69.
  5. The authority granted to special agents in Section 27-65-91 shall also apply with the same force and effect in the execution of warrants and orders issued under the provisions of this article and in making arrests of persons obstructing or seeking to obstruct the execution of such warrants or in serving any writ, notice or order connected with the enrolled judgment for which the warrant is issued under the provisions of this article.
  6. The Executive Director of the Department of Transportation shall designate certain officers or agents by written certificate of appointment under seal of the Department of Transportation, of which judicial notice shall be taken by all courts of this state. Such officers or agents, when in possession of a warrant issued under authority of this article, shall have all the powers and duties of the sheriff in the enforcement and execution of warrants and orders issued under the provisions of this article and in making arrests of persons obstructing or seeking to obstruct the execution of such warrants, or in serving any writ, notice or order connected with the enrolled judgment for which the warrant is issued under the provisions of this article.
  7. All administrative provisions of the Mississippi Sales Tax Law, including those which fix damages, penalties and interest for nonpayment of taxes, and for other noncompliance with the provisions of said chapter, and all other requirements and duties imposed upon taxpayers, shall apply to all persons liable for taxes under the provisions of this article, and the department shall exercise all power and authority and perform all the duties with respect to taxpayers under this article as are provided in said Sales Tax Law, except that in cases of conflict, then the provisions of this article shall control.

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