Mississippi Lottery Corporation Board of Directors; membership; terms; meetings
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The affairs ofthe corporation shall be administered by the Mississippi Lottery CorporationBoard of Directors. The board shall be composed of five (5) membersappointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate.The Commissioner of Revenue and the State Treasurer shall serve asex officio, nonvoting members. Members appointed when the Senate isnot in session shall serve only until the end of the next regularsession, unless confirmed by the Senate.
Members of theboard shall be residents of the State of Mississippi, and the Governorshall take into account the goals of geographic, racial, gender andother categories of diversity when nominating board members.
Of the initialappointees, the members' terms shall be staggered as follows:one (1) term to expire on December 31, 2019; December 31, 2020; December31, 2021; December 31, 2022; and December 31, 2023. After the expirationof the initial terms, members of the board shall serve terms of five(5) years.
Members may servebeyond the end of their respective terms until their successors havebeen appointed and qualified. No member shall serve more than two(2) consecutive five-year terms. Members may be removed by the Governorfor neglect of duty, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office. The boardshall annually elect a chairman from among its voting members.
Appointed membersof the board shall be entitled to per diem compensation pursuant to Section 25-3-69 paid by thecorporation and shall be reimbursed by the corporation for necessarytravel and other reasonable expenses incurred in the performance oftheir official duties. No appointed member of the board shall be considereda public officer.
The board, uponthe initial call of the Governor and the chairman thereafter, shallmeet at least monthly for the first eighteen (18) months and at suchother times as the chairman may determine. Three (3) voting membersof the board shall constitute a quorum. The board shall also meetupon call of three (3) or more of the voting members of the board.The board shall keep accurate and complete records of all its meetings.
All meetingsof the board shall be subject to the Open Meetings Act in Section 25-41-1 et seq.