As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have thefollowing meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
"Corporation"means the Mississippi Lottery Corporation.
"Lottery"means any game of chance approved by the corporation and operatedpursuant to this chapter, which utilizes the sale of paper tickets forvarious intrastate and multistate or multisovereign lottery games(such as Pick-3, Pick-4, Mega Millions, Powerball), and "instanttickets" as defined, but specifically excluding any form of"video lottery" or use of "video lottery terminal"as defined.
"Majorprocurement" means any item, product or service in the amountof One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) or more, including, but notlimited to, major advertising contracts, annuity contracts, prizes,products, and services unique to the Mississippi lottery.
"Net proceeds"means gross lottery revenues minus amounts paid as prizes and expensesof operation of the lottery.
"Person"means any individual, corporation, partnership, unincorporated associationor other legal entity.
"President"means the President of the Mississippi Lottery Corporation, who shallalso serve as chief executive officer of the corporation.
"Retailer"means any person with whom the corporation has contracted to selllottery tickets to the public.
"Security"means the protection of information that would provide an unfair advantageto any individual involved in the operation of the lottery, protectionand preservation of the integrity of lottery games and operations,as well as measures taken to prevent crimes against the corporationand its retailers.
"Vendor"means any person who has entered into a contract with the corporation.
"Fiscalyear" means the fiscal year used by the State of Mississippigovernment.
"Board"means the Mississippi Lottery Corporation Board of Directors.
"Instantticket" means a lottery game in which a player scratches acoating from one or more play areas on a ticket to determine if heor she has won, as indicated by the symbols and words that are revealed.
"Videolottery" and "video lottery terminal" means anyelectronic interactive computerized game machine or device equippedwith a video screen and buttons, keys, a keyboard, touchscreen orother input device allowing input by an individual player and intowhich the player inserts coins, tokens, currency or other representationof value (including, but not limited to, an electronic card, ticketor other thing on which value is recorded electronically) as considerationin order for play of a game to be available, and through which, asa result of the play of a game, the player may receive free games,credits redeemable for cash or a noncash prize, or some other thingof value, whether or not received directly from the device, or nothing,determined wholly or predominantly by chance.