To submit for board approval proposed rules and regulations which shall require a uniform system of personnel administration within all agencies included in this chapter. Such rules and regulations, when approved by the board, shall be binding upon the state departments, agencies and institutions covered by this chapter and shall include provisions for the establishment and maintenance of classification and compensation plans, the conduct of examinations, employee recruiting, employee selection, the certification of eligible persons, appointments, promotions, transfers, demotions, separations, reinstatement, appeals, reports of performance, payroll certification, employee training, vacation and sick leave, compensatory leave, administrative leave, standardized recordkeeping forms and procedures for leave earned, accrued and used, and all other phases of personnel administration. Such rules and regulations shall not be applicable to the emergency hiring of employees by the Public Employees' Retirement System pursuant to Section 25-11-15(7). Copies of the rules and regulations, or modifications thereto, as are approved by the State Personnel Board, shall be provided to the Chairmen of the Accountability, Efficiency and Transparency Committee of the Senate and the Fees and Salaries of Public Officers Committee of the House of Representatives, the Lieutenant Governor and the Governor at least sixty (60) days before their effective date. The respective parties may submit comments to the board regarding such rules and regulations before their effective date; - Compensation plans and modifications thereto promulgated under rules and regulations shall become effective as adopted, upon appropriation therefor by the State Legislature;
- The director and the board shall provide for:
1. Cost-of-living adjustments;
2. Salary increases for outstanding performance based upon documented employee productivity and exceptional performance in assigned duties; and
3. Plans to compensate employees for suggestions which result in improved management in technical or administrative procedures and result in documented cost savings for the state. In certifying promotions, the director shall ensure that an employee's anniversary date remains the same regardless of the date of his promotion;