The transfer of records to the Mississippi Department of Archives and History shall be in accordance with the following:
Agencies and appointed or elected officials are hereby authorized and empowered to turn over to the department any records no longer in current official use and the department is authorized, after conducting appropriate archival appraisal, to accept such records and to provide for their administration and preservation.
All records of state agencies transferred to the department may be held in the records center or placed directly in the Mississippi State Archives as deemed appropriate.
Title to any record placed in the records center shall remain in the agency transferring such records to the department.
Title to any record transferred to the Mississippi State Archives shall be vested in the department.
The department may make certified copies under seal of any records transferred to it upon the application of any person and said certificates signed by the director shall have the same force and effect as if made by the agency from which the records were received.
The department may prescribe and charge reasonable fees for said services, which shall not be less than the actual cost thereof.