Equipment support contracts shall include the following terms and conditions: - Equipment support contracts shall be valid for not more than one (1) fiscal year with the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services having an option to renew for two (2) additional fiscal years. The vendor may vary lease or purchase prices for the optional renewal period(s) by an amount equal to the lesser of the lease or purchase price permitted by that vendor's contract with the General Services Administration of the United States Government for such equipment and services, or any variance in that vendor's published list prices for such equipment and services during that fiscal year, provided that any increase may not exceed five percent (5%) and the variance must have been authorized by the initial equipment and service order contract.
- The prices stated in such contract shall not change for the period of the contract.
- Individual items of telecommunications equipment and service which may be included under an equipment support contract may not have a purchase price greater than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) or a monthly lease price greater than Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00). Such price shall not include costs of maintenance, taxes or transportation.
- Equipment support contracts shall include the following annual appropriation dependency clause:
"The continuation of this contract is contingent upon the appropriation of funds to fulfill the requirements of the contract by the Legislature. If the Legislature fails to appropriate sufficient monies to provide for the continuance of the contract, the contract shall terminate on the date of the beginning of the first fiscal year for which funds are not appropriated."