Such petitions may be circulated and signed in sections; that is, there may be more than one copy of the petition circulated, provided they contain identical language. All petitions, all copies thereof, and all sheets for signature shall be dated as of the day of the first signature to said petition or any section thereof, shall be printed on good quality bond paper on pages 81/2 inches in width by 13 inches in length with a margin of not less than two inches at the top for binding, and the signature sheets shall have numbered lines printed thereon for consecutive signatures. No signature affixed to such petition can thereafter be withdrawn, and there shall be printed at the bottom of each page of the petition and all copies thereof, including pages for signatures only, in twelve point type, the following warning: "No signature affixed to this petition may thereafter be withdrawn." The death of any signator before final certification of the petition shall cancel his signature. No petition may be considered unless filed with the clerk of the election commissioner, as the case may be, within sixty days of the date of the first signature thereon as hereinbefore defined.