"Whereas, the above bound A B was duly elected (or appointed) to the office of_______________on the_______________day of_______________ , for the term of_______________years from the_______________day of_______________ ; therefore, if he shall faithfully perform all the duties of said office during his continuance therein, then the above obligation to be void."
A new bond in the amount required by law shall be secured at the beginning of each new term of office or every four (4) years, whichever is less.
"Whereas, the above bound A B was duly employed (or appointed) to the position of_______________on the_______________day of_______________ ; therefore, if he shall faithfully perform all the duties of said position during his continuance therein, then the above obligation to be void."
A new bondin an amount not less than that required by law shall be secured uponemployment and coverage shall continue by the securing of a new bondevery four (4) years concurrent with the normal election cycle ofthe Governor or with the normal election cycle of the local governmentapplicable to the employee.