At least one (1) hour before the opening of the polls, the officials in charge of the election shall arrive at the polling place and set up the voting booths so that they will be in clear view of the poll managers; the poll managers shall examine the ballots to verify that they have the correct ballots for their precinct and check the supplies, records and forms, and post the sample ballots and instructions to the voters. They shall also inspect the ballot boxes to ensure they contain only voted absentee ballots in their envelopes with the required applications, and then seal the box for voting.
Each voter shall receive written and/or verbal instructions by the poll managers instructing the voter how to properly vote the paper ballot before the voter enters the voting booth. If any voter needs additional instructions after entering the voting booth, two (2) poll managers may, if necessary, enter the booth and give him or her such additional instructions. If any voter spoils a ballot the voter may obtain others, one (1) at a time, not exceeding three (3) in all, upon returning each spoiled ballot. The word "SPOILED" shall be written across the face of the ballot and it shall be deposited into the sealed ballot box. When the polls close once the last ballot has been cast or at 7:00 p.m., whichever is later, the poll managers shall break the seal on the ballot box to process the absentee ballots. Ballots marked as spoiled shall be bundled together and placed in an envelope designated for spoiled ballots. Once the polls have officially closed, the envelope that contains the spoiled ballots and the unused ballots shall be placed in the ballot box or other container provided for that purpose which shall be sealed and returned to the officials in charge of the election.