Loss or destruction of official ballots

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In case the official ballots prepared shall be lost or destroyed, the election commissioners shall have like ballots furnished in place of those lost or destroyed, if time remain therefor. If from any cause there should be no official ballots or an insufficient number at a voting place, and not sufficient time in which to have them printed, the ballots may be written; but, if written by anyone except the voter alone for himself or herself, the names of all candidates shall be written thereon, without any mark or device by which one (1) name may be distinguished from another, and the ballots shall be marked by the voter as provided for printed ballots. If the poll manager designated fails to have the ballots at the voting place at the proper time, or if he or she fails to distribute them, the poll managers, or those of them present at the election, shall provide ballots, and select some suitable person to distribute them, who shall take the oath required of the poll managers, and distribute the ballots according to law.

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