Printing of official ballot generally; order in which titles of various offices are to be listed on the ballot; furnishing of sample of official ballot; alphabetical arrangement in primary elections

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  1. Except as otherwise provided by Sections 23-15-974 through 23-15-985 and subsection (2) of this section, the size, print and quality of paper of the official ballot is left to the discretion of the officer charged with printing the official ballot.
  2. The titles for the various offices shall be listed in the following order:
    1. Candidates, electors or delegates for the following national offices:
      1. President;
      2. United States Senator or United States Representative;
    2. Candidates for the following statewide office: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Treasurer, Auditor of Public Accounts, Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, Commissioner of Insurance;
    3. Candidates for the following state district offices: Mississippi Transportation Commissioner, Public Service Commissioner, District Attorney;
    4. Candidates for the following legislative offices: Senate and House of Representatives;
    5. Candidates for countywide office;
    6. Candidates for county district office.

      The order in which the titles for the various offices are listed within paragraphs (e) and (f) is left to the discretion of the county election commissioners. Nominees of the political parties, qualified to conduct primary elections as defined in Section 23-15-291, shall be listed first alphabetically by the candidate's last name, followed by any other candidates listed alphabetically by last name.

  3. It is the duty of the Secretary of State, with the approval of the Governor, to furnish the designated election commissioner of each county a sample of the official ballot, not less than fifty-five (55) days before the election, the general form of which shall be followed as nearly as practicable.

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