Names of municipal office candidates to be printed on ballot; filing of petition for municipal office; determination of candidate's qualifications; declaration of nominee in single candidate race
Names of municipal office candidates to be printed on ballot; filing of petition for municipal office; determination of candidate's qualifications; declaration of nominee in single candidate race
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The municipal general election ballot shall contain the names of all candidates who have been put in nomination by the municipal primary election of any political party. There shall be printed on the ballots the names of all persons so nominated, whether the nomination be otherwise known or not, upon the written request of one or more of the candidates so nominated, or of any qualified elector who will make oath that he or she was a participant in the primary election, and that the person whose name is presented by him or her was nominated by such primary election. The municipal election commissioners who are required to have the ballots printed, shall also have printed on the ballot in any municipal general election the name of any candidate who, not having been nominated by a political party, shall have been requested to be a candidate for any office by a petition filed with the clerk of the municipality no later than 5:00 p.m. on the same date by which candidates for nomination in the municipal primary elections are required to pay the fee provided for in Section 23-15-309, and signed by not less than the following number of qualified electors:
For an office elected by the qualified electors of a municipality or a municipal district having a population of one thousand (1,000) or more, not less than fifty (50) qualified electors.
For an office elected by the qualified electors of a municipality or a municipal district having a population of less than one thousand (1,000), not less than fifteen (15) qualified electors.
Unless the petition required above shall be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on the same date by which candidates for nomination in the municipal primary election are required to pay the fee provided for in Section 23-15-309, the name of the person requested to be a candidate, unless nominated by a political party, shall not be placed upon the ballot. The ballot shall contain the names of each candidate for each municipal office, and the names shall be listed under the name of the political party the candidate represents as provided by law and as certified to the municipal clerk by the municipal executive committee of such political party. In the event such candidate qualifies as an independent as herein provided, he or she shall be listed on the ballot as an independent candidate.
The clerk of the municipality shall notify the municipal election commissioners of all persons who have filed petitions pursuant to subsection (1) of this section within two (2) business days of the date of filing.
The ballot in elections to fill vacancies in municipal elective office shall contain the names of all persons who have qualified as required by Section 23-15-857.
The municipal election commission shall determine whether each party candidate in the municipal general election is a qualified elector of the municipality, and of the ward if the office sought is a ward office and shall determine whether each candidate either meets all other qualifications to hold the office he or she is seeking or presents absolute proof that he or she will, subject to no contingencies, meet all qualifications on or before the date of the general or special election at which he or she could be elected to office. The municipal election commission also shall determine whether any candidate has been convicted of any felony in a court of this state, or has been convicted on or after December 8, 1992, of any offense in another state which is a felony under the laws of this state, or has been convicted of any felony in a federal court on or after December 8, 1992. Excepted from the above are convictions of manslaughter and violations of the United States Internal Revenue Code or any violations of the tax laws of this state unless such offense also involved misuse or abuse of his or her office or money coming into his or her hands by virtue of the office. If the municipal election commission finds that a candidate either (a) is not a qualified elector, (b) does not meet all qualifications to hold the office he or she seeks and fails to provide absolute proof, subject to no contingencies, that he or she will meet the qualifications on or before the date of the general or special election at which he or she could be elected, or (c) has been convicted of a felony as described above and not pardoned, then the election commission shall notify the candidate and give the candidate an opportunity to be heard. The election commission shall mail notice to the candidate at least three (3) business days before the hearing to the address provided by the candidate on the qualifying forms, and the committee shall attempt to contact the candidate by telephone, email and facsimile if the candidate provided this information on the forms. If the candidate fails to appear at the hearing or to prove he or she meets all qualifications to hold the office subject to no contingencies, then the name of the candidate shall not be placed upon the ballot.
If after the deadline to qualify as a candidate for an office or after the time for holding any party primary election for an office, only one (1) person has duly qualified to be a candidate for the office in the general election the name of that person shall be placed on the ballot; provided, however, that if not more than one (1) person has duly qualified to be a candidate for each office on the general election ballot, the election for all offices on the ballot shall be dispensed with and the municipal election commission shall declare each candidate elected without opposition if the candidate meets all the qualifications to hold the office as determined pursuant to a review by the election commission in accordance with the provisions of subsection (5) of this section and if the candidate has filed all required campaign finance disclosure reports as required by Section 23-15-807.