Affidavit to accompany applications for registration; registration on behalf of district and county executive committees; proof of compliance with laws
Affidavit to accompany applications for registration; registration on behalf of district and county executive committees; proof of compliance with laws
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The application for registration of the political party and any officially sanctioned organizations named to be presented to the Secretary of State shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the chair or secretary of the political party seeking the registration. The affidavit shall contain a list of the names of the members of the State Executive Committee, showing the chair and secretary, the names of the national committeeman and committeewoman, and the officers of the party, setting forth that the executive committee and other officers of the party have been elected in accordance with the provisions of Section 23-15-1053, or any laws supplementary or amendatory thereof. The Secretary of State is authorized to require further proof as to the compliance with the provisions of Section 23-15-1053 when it is reasonable to do so.
The chair or secretary of the district and county executive committees of each political party, chosen as provided in Section 23-15-1053, shall register the name of the political party it represents with the chair or secretary of the State Executive Committee of that political party within thirty (30) days after December 31, 2017. The application for registration shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the chair or secretary of the party seeking such registration listing the names of the members of the district executive committee and of the State Executive Committee, showing the chair and secretary and other officers of the party, setting forth that the executive committee of the party has been elected in accordance with the provisions of Section 23-15-1053, or any laws supplementary or amendatory thereof. The chair or the secretary of the State Executive Committee is authorized to require further proof of compliance with the provisions of Section 23-15-1053 when it is reasonable to do so. Thereafter, no political party shall use or register any name that is the same as or deceptively similar to the name of a political party or officially sanctioned organization that has already been registered with the chair or secretary of the State Executive Committee by any other political party. No political party or officially sanctioned organization shall use any name in any campaign literature listing or describing its candidates that does not correspond with the name of the political party or officially sanctioned organization registered with the secretary or chair of the State Executive Committee.