Registration on behalf of state executive committees
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The chair or secretary of the State Executive Committee of each political party chosen as provided in Section 23-15-1053 shall register the name of the political party it represents, and the names of all organizations officially sanctioned by the political party, with the Secretary of State within thirty (30) days after the political party is organized. Thereafter, no political party shall use or register any name that is the same as or deceptively similar to the name of a political party or officially sanctioned organization that has already been registered with the Secretary of State by any other political party. No political party or officially sanctioned organization shall use any name in any campaign literature listing or describing its candidates that does not correspond with the name of the political party or officially sanctioned organization registered with the Secretary of State.
The chair or secretary of the State Executive Committee of a political party shall update the registration of the name of the political party it represents and the names of all organizations officially sanctioned by the political party with the Secretary of State on an annual basis, disclosing any revisions or additions to the information to be provided by affidavit in accordance with Section 25-15-1061.