Upon the completion of any improvement authorized by this chapter, the governing authorities shall ascertain and determine the cost of the improvement and declare the same by resolution. Upon said completion the governing authorities shall cause to be prepared a roll or list to be called the "assessment roll" showing the names of the property owners, and, opposite each name a description of each parcel of land. Such roll shall be entered in a well-bound book prepared for that purpose, which shall contain appropriate columns in which payments may be credited. Said book shall be known as "assessment book for local improvements." It shall be a public record and the entry therein of any assessment shall be and constitute notice to the public of the lien against the land so assessed, and no other record or notice thereof shall be necessary to any person or corporation for that purpose. No error, omission or mistake in regard to the name of the owner shall be held to invalidate any assessment. After the completion of the said assessment roll it shall be delivered to the clerk of the municipality, or to the officer performing the duties of such clerk, who shall thereupon give a notice by publication in some newspaper published in said municipality that the assessment roll (for that piece of local improvement made) has been delivered to him and is open for inspection at his office, and that at a time and place therein mentioned, not less than fifteen days from the date of the first publication, the governing authorities of said municipality will meet to hear and determine any objections or defense.