Authority to enter
into interlocal agreement with rural water associations operating
within corporate limits of municipality that requires associations
to terminate water service of certain customers; agreement requirements
Authority to enter
into interlocal agreement with rural water associations operating
within corporate limits of municipality that requires associations
to terminate water service of certain customers; agreement requirements
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The governing authoritiesof a municipality are authorized and empowered, in their discretion,to enter into an interlocal agreement with a rural water associationoperating within the corporate limits of the municipality that requiresthe association to terminate the water service of any of its customerswho are thirty (30) days or more delinquent in the payment of chargesfor sewer services provided by the municipality.
Any agreement enteredinto under this section shall at a minimum:
Require the municipalityto notify the association of any customer of the association who alsohas sewer service provided by the municipality who is thirty (30)days or more delinquent in the payment of sewer charges by a methodagreeable to the municipality and the association;
Provide that upon receiptof a notification the association shall terminate the water serviceof the named customer;
Provide that upon satisfactionof the delinquency and any fees connected with the delinquency andthe termination of water service, the association shall restart thewater service of the customer;
Provide that the municipalityshall save and hold harmless the association against any and all claimsbased on the disconnection of water or sewer service and any otherdamages resulting from any action taken by the association under aninterlocal agreement entered into under this section.
Upon entering into an interlocal agreementunder this section, the association is authorized to terminate thewater service of any customer delinquent in the payment of sewer chargesto the municipality pursuant to the terms of the interlocal agreement.