- If a defendant in any criminal case, proceeding or matter fails to appear for any proceeding as ordered by the municipal court, then the court shall order the bail forfeited and a judgment nisi and a bench warrant issued at the time of nonappearance. The clerk of the municipal court shall notify the surety of the forfeiture by writ of scire facias, with a copy of the judgment nisi and bench warrant attached thereto, within ten (10) working days of such order of judgment nisi either by personal service or by certified mail. Failure of the clerk to provide the required notice within ten (10) working days shall constitute prima facie evidence that the order should be set aside.
- 1. The judgment nisi shall be returnable for ninety (90) days from the date of issuance. If during that period the defendant appears before the municipal court, or is arrested and surrendered, then the judgment nisi shall be set aside. If the surety produces the defendant or provides to the municipal court reasonable mitigating circumstances upon such showing, then the forfeiture shall not be made final. If the forfeiture is made final, a copy of the final judgment shall be served on the surety within ten (10) working days by either personal service or certified mail.
2. Reasonable mitigating circumstances shall be that the defendant is incarcerated in another jurisdiction; that the defendant is hospitalized under a doctor's care; that the defendant is in a recognized drug rehabilitation program; that the defendant has been placed in a witness protection program, in which case it shall be the duty of any agency placing the defendant into a witness protection program to notify the municipal court and the municipal court to notify the surety; or any other reason justifiable to the municipal court.