No breach of any such agreement shall impose any pecuniary liability upon a district or any charge upon its general credit or against its taxing powers.
Additionally, the district may enter into an agreement with the developer under which the developer may construct all or any part of the project with private funds in advance of issuance of bonds and may be reimbursed by the district for actual costs incurred by the developer upon issuance and delivery of bonds and receipt of the proceeds, conditioned upon dedication of the project by the developer to the district, a governmental agency, a county or a municipality to assure public use and access. This condition shall not apply to the privately owned portion of a project for which the Mississippi Development Authority has issued a certificate of convenience and necessity pursuant to the Regional Economic Development Act.
As used in this section, the term "developer" means any entity or natural person which enters into an agreement with a district whereby the developer agrees to construct, operate and maintain or procure the construction, operation and maintenance of a project or projects, or portions thereof, upon land within the district.