The board of supervisors of each county may, in its discretion, contract with certain professionals when the board determines that such professional services are necessary and in the best interest of the county.
The board of supervisors shall spread upon its minutes its finding that the professional services are necessary and in the best interest of the county. The contract for professional services shall be approved by the attorney for the board of supervisors and made a part of the minutes. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the board of supervisors may request and consider the price of the services in its initial and subsequent contact with professionals.
A professional within the meaning of this section shall be limited to:
Attorneys at law, admitted to practice law in this state by the State Board of Bar Admissions;
Accountants, certified by the State Board of Public Accountancy;
Architects, licensed by the State Board of Architecture;
Engineers and land surveyors, registered by the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors;
Physicians, licensed by the State Board of Medical Licensure;
Appraisers, licensed by the Mississippi Real Estate Commission or as otherwise provided by law or ad valorem appraisers holding the MAE designation from the Department of Revenue;
Real estate brokers, licensed by the Mississippi Real Estate Commission;
In the sale of personal property pursuant to the provisions of Section 19-7-5, auctioneers who meet standards established by the State Department of Audit.