From and after the creation of a district, it shall be a public corporation in perpetuity under its corporate name and shall, in that name, be a body politic and corporate, with power of perpetual succession, having all the powers necessary or convenient to effectuate the purpose of Sections 19-3-101 through 19-3-115, including the power:
To adopt, and from time to time amend and repeal, bylaws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with Sections 19-3-101 through 19-3-115 to carry into effect the powers and purposes of the district;
To adopt an official name and seal, and retain and keep minutes of its meetings in a firmly bound minute book in which all actions taken by the district about its business shall be recorded;
To elect from among its members a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary to serve annually;
To maintain an office at such place or places as it may designate, and to employ and compensate an executive director and such other personnel as shall be necessary to exercise the powers and perform the duties provided for in Sections 19-3-101 through 19-3-115;
To make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powers under Sections 19-3-101 through 19-3-115;
To implement, operate, administer or supervise, directly or indirectly, such programs, services and activities as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of Sections 19-3-101 through 19-3-115;
To apply for, accept, receive, expend or otherwise dispose of, in furtherance of its functions, funds, grants, services and property from the federal government or its agencies and from departments, agencies and instrumentalities of the state, municipal or county governments;
To cooperate with and execute cooperative agreements with all other federal, state and local governmental agencies in the exercise of its functions under the provisions of Sections 19-3-101 through 19-3-115;
To sue and be sued; and in any suit against the commission, service of process shall be had by service upon the chairman with such process; and
To charge fees, tolls and special assessments to participating counties and any municipality which may have contracted for services to finance the operation, maintenance and debt service of activities and services undertaken by the district.