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Within thirty (30) days after an asbestos action is filed, or by August 1, 2017, whichever is later, the plaintiff shall do all of the following:
Provide the court and parties with a sworn statement signed by the plaintiff, under penalties of perjury, that all asbestos trust claims that can be made by the plaintiff have been filed and that includes the following:
A statement that an investigation of all asbestos trust claims has been conducted;
A list identifying each asbestos trust claim that has been filed by the plaintiff;
A list identifying each asbestos trust claim that can be made by the plaintiff, which has not been filed for the sole permissible reason that the cost of submitting an asbestos trust claim exceeds the plaintiff's reasonably anticipated recovery; and
Whether there has been a request to defer, delay, suspend, toll, withdraw, or otherwise alter the standing of any asbestos trust claim, and provide the status and disposition of each asbestos trust claim.
Provide all parties with all trust materials, including trust materials that relate to conditions other than those that are the basis for the asbestos action and including all trust materials from all law firms connected to the plaintiff in relation to exposure to asbestos, including anyone at a law firm involved in the asbestos action, any referring law firm, and any other firm that has filed an asbestos trust claim for the plaintiff. Documents should be accompanied by a custodial affidavit from the asbestos trust, certifying that the trust materials submitted to defendants are true and complete.
If the plaintiff's asbestos trust claim is based on secondary exposure to asbestos through another individual or individuals, the plaintiff shall produce all trust materials submitted by the other individual or individuals to any asbestos trusts if the materials are available to the plaintiff or the plaintiff's counsel.
The plaintiff has a continuing duty to supplement the information and materials required under subsection (1) and the supplementation shall be made no later than thirty (30) days after the plaintiff supplements an existing asbestos trust claim, receives additional information or materials related to an asbestos trust claim, or files an additional asbestos trust claim.
The court may dismiss the asbestos action if the plaintiff fails to comply with this section.
An asbestos action may not be set for trial until at least one hundred eighty (180) days after the requirements of subsection (1) are met.
Not less than thirty (30) days before trial in an asbestos action, the court shall enter into the record a document that identifies every asbestos trust claim made by the plaintiff.