For convenience and certainty, the complaint, if against a corporation, shall set out briefly the causes of forfeiture. It may be in the form following, to-wit:
"State of Mississippi, Circuit Court, term, County of . A.D. , "The State of Mississippi, by A B, district attorney for the judicial district of the state, of his own accord (or on the relation of C D, as the case may be) gives the court here to understand and be informed that the corporation of has forfeited all right to exercise any of the franchises and privileges granted it in this, to-wit (set out the causes of forfeiture). "Wherefore, the State of Mississippi, by said district attorney, prays judgment of forfeiture and ouster against said corporation."
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And in all other cases the complaint shall be in form substantially the same as near as may be, conforming to the state of case.