Who may exercise right of immediate possession

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The right of immediate possession pursuant to Sections 11-27-81 through 11-27-89, Mississippi Code of 1972, may be exercised only:

By the State Highway Commission for the acquisition of highway rights-of-way only;

By any county or municipality for the purpose of acquiring rights-of-way to connect existing roads and streets to highways constructed or to be constructed by the State Highway Commission;

By any county or municipality for the purpose of acquiring rights-of-way for widening existing roads and streets of such county or municipality; provided, however, that said rights-of-way shall not displace a property owner from his dwelling or place of business;

By the boards of supervisors of any county of this state for the acquisition of highway or road rights-of-way in connection with a state-aid project designated and approved in accordance with Sections 65-9-1 through 65-9-31, Mississippi Code of 1972;

By any county, municipality or county utility authority created under the Mississippi Gulf Region Utility Act, Section 49-17-701 et seq., for the purpose of acquiring rights-of-way for water, sewer, drainage and other public utility purposes; provided, however, that such acquisition shall not displace a property owner from his dwelling or place of business. A county utility authority should prioritize utilizing easements within ten (10) feet of an existing right-of-way when economically feasible. A county utility authority may not exercise the right to immediate possession under this paragraph after July 1, 2013. Provisions of this paragraph (e) shall not apply to House District 109;

By any county authorized to exercise the power of eminent domain under Section 19-7-41 for the purpose of acquiring land for construction of a federal correctional facility or other federal penal institution;

By the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority for the purpose of acquiring land, property and rights-of-way for a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(iv)1 or any facility related to the project as provided in Section 57-75-11(e)(ii);

By the boards of supervisors of any county of this state for the purpose of constructing dams or low-water control structures on lakes or bodies of water under the provisions of Section 19-5-92;

By the board of supervisors of any county of this state for the purpose of acquiring land, property and/or rights-of-way for any project the board of supervisors, by a duly adopted resolution, determines to be related to a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(iv). The board of supervisors of a county may not exercise the right to immediate possession under this paragraph (i) after July 1, 2003;

By a regional economic development alliance created under Section 57-64-1 et seq., for the purpose of acquiring land, property and/or rights-of-way within the project area and necessary for any project such an alliance, by a duly adopted resolution, determines to be related to a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxi). An alliance may not exercise the right to immediate possession under this paragraph (j) after July 1, 2012; or

By the board of supervisors of any county of this state for the purpose of acquiring or clearing title to real property, property and/or rights-of-way within the project site and necessary for any project such board of supervisors, by a duly adopted resolution, determines to be related to a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxii). A county may not exercise the right to immediate possession under this paragraph (k) after July 1, 2012.

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