Termination Of Contracts, Leases, Licenses; Cic Created On Or After August 1, 2010.

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(a) If entered into prior to termination of the period of declarant control, (i) any management, employment, maintenance, or operations contract or any lease or license of recreational, parking, or storage facilities, that is binding on the association; (ii) any other contract, lease, or license entered into by the association, a declarant or an affiliate of a declarant that is binding on the association; or (iii) any contract, lease, or license that is binding on the association or all unit owners other than a declarant or an affiliate of the declarant which is not bona fide or which was unconscionable to the association or the unit owners at the time entered into under the circumstances then prevailing, may be terminated without penalty by the association under the procedures described in this section.

(b) If entered into prior to the termination of the period of master developer control described in section 515B.2-121, subsection (c), paragraph (1), a contract, lease, or license of a type described in subsection (a) is entered into by the master developer and is binding upon the master association, then the master association may terminate the contract, lease, or license under the procedures described in this section.

(c) Termination shall be upon no less than 90 days' notice. Notice of termination shall be given by the association or master association, as applicable, in accordance with section 515B.1-115; provided that notice shall be effective only if given within two years following the termination of the period of declarant control or the period of master developer control, as applicable.

(d) This section does not apply to the following, provided that the rights and obligations created by the referenced instruments are (i) bona fide and not unconscionable as contemplated by subsection (a), item (iii); and (ii) disclosed to the purchaser of the unit in the disclosure statement required by section 515B.4-102:

(1) a lease the termination of which would terminate the common interest community;

(2) in the case of a cooperative, a mortgage or contract for deed encumbering real estate owned by the association, except that if the mortgage or contract for deed contains a contractual obligation involving a type of contract, lease, or license which may be terminated pursuant to subsection (a) or (b), then that contractual obligation may be terminated pursuant to subsection (c);

(3) an agreement between a declarant or an affiliate of a declarant, or a master developer, and any governmental entity, if such agreement is necessary to obtain governmental approvals, provide financing under any type of government program, or provide for governmentally required access, conservation, drainage, utilities, or other public purpose;

(4) subject to the requirements of section 515B.4-110(a), a lease, easement, covenant, condition, or restriction that is recorded before the recording of the declaration, to the extent that it benefits a person other than a declarant or an affiliate of a declarant; or

(5) a license granted by a declarant pursuant to section 515B.2-109(e).

(e) This section applies only to common interest communities created on or after August 1, 2010.


2011 c 116 art 2 s 13

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