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The seller disclosure requirements in sections 513.52 to 513.60 do not apply to any of the following:

(1) real property that is not residential real property;

(2) a gratuitous transfer;

(3) a transfer pursuant to a court order;

(4) a transfer to a government or governmental agency;

(5) a transfer by foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure;

(6) a transfer to heirs or devisees of a decedent;

(7) a transfer from a cotenant to one or more other cotenants;

(8) a transfer made to a spouse, parent, grandparent, child, or grandchild of the seller;

(9) a transfer between spouses resulting from a decree of marriage dissolution or from a property settlement agreement incidental to that decree;

(10) a transfer of newly constructed residential property that has not been inhabited;

(11) an option to purchase a unit in a common interest community, until exercised;

(12) a transfer to a person who controls or is controlled by the grantor as those terms are defined with respect to a declarant under section 515B.1-103, clause (2);

(13) a transfer to a tenant who is in possession of the residential real property; or

(14) a transfer of special declarant rights under section 515B.3-104.


2002 c 306 s 3

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