Subdivision 1. Definitions. For the purposes of sections 325E.386 to 325E.388, the terms in this section have the meanings given them.
Subd. 2. Commercial decabromodiphenyl ether. "Commercial decabromodiphenyl ether" means the chemical mixture of decabromodiphenyl ether, including associated polybrominated diphenyl ether impurities not intentionally added.
Subd. 3. Commissioner. "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency.
Subd. 4. Manufacturer. "Manufacturer" means any person, firm, association, partnership, corporation, governmental entity, organization, or joint venture that produces a product containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers or an importer or domestic distributor of a noncomestible product containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers.
Subd. 5. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers or PBDE's. "Polybrominated diphenyl ethers" or "PBDE's" means chemical forms that consist of diphenyl ethers bound with bromine atoms. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers include, but are not limited to, the three primary forms of the commercial mixtures known as pentabromodiphenyl ether, octabromodiphenyl ether, and decabromodiphenyl ether.
Subd. 6. Retailer. "Retailer" means a person who offers a product for sale at retail through any means, including, but not limited to, remote offerings such as sales outlets, catalogs, or the Internet, but does not include a sale that is a wholesale transaction with a distributor or a retailer.
Subd. 7. Used product. "Used product" means any product that has been previously owned, purchased, or sold in commerce. Used product does not include any product manufactured after January 1, 2008.
History:2007 c 57 art 1 s 149