Key Role Of Solar And Biomass Resources In Producing Thermal Energy.

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The biennial legislative proposals required to be submitted by the commissioners of commerce and the Pollution Control Agency under section 216H.07, subdivision 3, must include proposals regarding the use of solar energy and the combustion of grasses, agricultural wastes, trees, and other vegetation to produce thermal energy for heating commercial, industrial, and residential buildings and for industrial processes if the commissioners determine that such policies are appropriate to achieve the state's greenhouse gas emissions-reduction goals. No legal claim against any person is allowed under this section. This section does not apply to the combustion of municipal solid waste or refuse-derived fuel to produce thermal energy. For purposes of this section, removal of woody biomass from publicly owned forests must be consistent with the principles of sustainable forest management.


2009 c 110 s 29; 2012 c 272 s 79

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