Successor Personal Representative.

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Sec. 3613.

The appointment of a personal representative to succeed a personal representative whose appointment is terminated is governed by parts 3 and 4 of this article. After appointment and qualification, a successor personal representative must be substituted in all actions and proceedings in which the former personal representative was a party. A notice, process, or claim that was given or served upon the terminated personal representative need not be given to or served upon the successor personal representative in order to preserve a position or right the person that gave the notice or filed the claim may have obtained or preserved with reference to the former personal representative. Except as the court otherwise orders, the successor personal representative has the powers and duties in respect to the continued administration that the former personal representative would have had if the appointment had not been terminated.

History: 1998, Act 386, Eff. Apr. 1, 2000
Popular Name: EPIC

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