Demand for Notice of Order or Filing Concerning Decedent's Estate.

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Sec. 3205.

A person who wants notice of any order or filing pertaining to a decedent's estate in which the person has a financial or property interest may file a demand for notice with the court at any time after the decedent's death stating the decedent's name, the nature of the person's interest in the estate, and the address of the person or the person's attorney. If a proceeding is not pending at the time a demand is filed under this section, the person filing the demand must pay the fee required to commence a proceeding. The person filing a demand shall mail a copy of the demand to the decedent's attorney, if known, to the personal representative if one has been appointed, and to the personal representative's attorney. After filing the demand, the person is an interested person entitled to notice as provided in section 1401 and the other provisions of this act.

History: 1998, Act 386, Eff. Apr. 1, 2000
Popular Name: EPIC

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