Agreements; Rates, Charges, or Assessments as Lien.

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Sec. 5.

The county agency and a unit of government may enter into agreements for a term up to but not exceeding 40 years whereby the unit of government shall pay the county for the services provided by any improvements and facilities authorized by this act, including the cost of construction and maintenance of the same, from funds collected as rates, charges, or assessments from the users and beneficiaries of the improvements, facilities, and services, or from any other fund available which may be validly used for such purposes. Any contracting unit of government may raise the amounts required to be paid under such agreements by collecting connection charges, and rates, charges, or assessments from the users and beneficiaries of the improvements, facilities, and services within that unit of government, or by levy upon the taxable property of any contracting unit of government having the power to tax in accordance with the same procedure as provided under the general tax laws of the state. The county agency may also enter into agreements with units of government providing that the county agency shall collect the connection charges, and rates, charges, or assessments for the services furnished, directly from the users and beneficiaries thereof. The county agency may enter into similar agreements with the county drain commissioner on behalf of any drain district, or with the drainage board on behalf of any inter-county drainage district, for the connection of any drain with any county sewer or sewage disposal system and for the collection by the county of connection charges, rates, and charges for the services of such county system from the users or beneficiaries thereof through connection with such drain. The county agency or such units of government in accordance with the agreements shall have the right to shut off the services and deny the use of the improvements or facilities to any user or beneficiary thereof failing to pay any of the rates, charges, or assessments as fixed. The rates, charges, or assessments for water, sewage, and sewage disposal services may be fixed in accordance with the amount of water used as measured by water meter readings or by such other methods as may be deemed equitable. Any rates, charges, or assessments shall constitute a lien on the premises served, effective immediately upon the rendering of services thereto and the official records of the agency charged with the collection thereof constitute notice of the pendency of the lien. Any rates, charges, or assessments remaining unpaid and delinquent for a period of 6 months or more may be certified by the agency charged with the collection thereof to the tax assessing officer or agency of the taxing district wherein the lands served are located and shall then be entered upon the county tax rolls against the premises to which such services shall have been rendered. The same shall be collected and the lien shall be enforced in accordance with the provisions of the general tax laws of the state.

History: 1939, Act 342, Eff. Sept. 29, 1939 ;-- Am. 1941, Act 353, Eff. Jan. 10, 1942 ;-- CL 1948, 46.175 ;-- Am. 1953, Act 186, Imd. Eff. June 9, 1953 ;-- Am. 1961, Act 213, Eff. Sept. 8, 1961 ;-- Am. 1974, Act 46, Imd. Eff. Mar. 19, 1974

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