Mistem Programs; Mistem Council; Mistem Network Regions; Funding; Duties; Audit; Report on Performance Measures; Definitions; Allocation for Certain Department Executives; Definitions.

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Sec. 99s.

(1) From the funds appropriated under section 11, there is allocated for 2021-2022 an amount not to exceed $7,634,300.00 from the state school aid fund appropriation and an amount not to exceed $300,000.00 from the general fund appropriation for Michigan science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (MiSTEM) programs. In addition, from the federal funds appropriated in section 11, there is allocated to the department for 2021-2022 an amount estimated at $235,000.00 from DED-OESE, title II, mathematics and science partnership grants. The MiSTEM network may receive funds from private sources. If the MiSTEM network receives funds from private sources, the MiSTEM network shall expend those funds in alignment with the statewide STEM strategy. Programs funded under this section are intended to increase the number of pupils demonstrating proficiency in science and mathematics on the state assessments, to increase the number of pupils who are college- and career-ready upon high school graduation, and to promote certificate and degree attainment in STEM fields. Notwithstanding section 17b, the department shall make payments under this section on a schedule determined by the department.

(2) The MiSTEM council annually shall review and make recommendations to the governor, the legislature, and the department concerning changes to the statewide strategy adopted by the council for delivering STEM education-related opportunities to pupils. The MiSTEM council shall use funds received under this subsection to ensure that its members or their designees are trained in the Change the Equation STEMworks rating system program for the purpose of rating STEM programs.

(3) The MiSTEM council shall make specific funding recommendations for the funds allocated under subsection (4) by December 15 of each fiscal year. Each specific funding recommendation must be for a program approved by the MiSTEM council. All of the following apply:

(a) To be eligible for MiSTEM council approval as described in this subsection, a program must satisfy all of the following:

(i) Align with this state's academic standards.

(ii) Have STEMworks certification.

(iii) Provide project-based experiential learning, student programming, or educator professional learning experiences.

(iv) Focus predominantly on classroom-based STEM experiences or professional learning experiences.

(b) The MiSTEM council shall approve programs that represent all network regions and include a diverse array of options for students and educators and at least 1 program in each of the following areas:

(i) Robotics.

(ii) Computer science or coding.

(iii) Engineering or bioscience.

(c) The MiSTEM council is encouraged to work with the MiSTEM network to develop locally and regionally developed programs and professional learning experiences for the programs on the list of approved programs.

(d) If the MiSTEM council is unable to make specific funding recommendations by December 15 of a fiscal year, the department shall award and distribute the funds allocated under subsection (4) on a competitive grant basis that at least follows the statewide STEM strategy plan and rating system recommended by the MiSTEM council. Each grant must provide STEM education-related opportunities for pupils.

(e) The MiSTEM council shall work with the department of labor and economic opportunity to implement the statewide STEM strategy adopted by the MiSTEM council.

(4) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, from the state school aid fund money allocated under subsection (1), there is allocated for 2021-2022 an amount not to exceed $3,050,000.00 for the purpose of funding programs under this section for 2021-2022 as recommended by the MiSTEM council. However, from the allocation under this subsection, the MiSTEM council shall recommend and the department shall award $350,000.00 in grants to intermediate districts to implement fabrication laboratories (Fab Labs). The MiSTEM council shall recommend and the department shall only award 10 grants described in the immediately preceding sentence in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00 each.

(5) From the state school aid fund money allocated under subsection (1), there is allocated an amount not to exceed $3,834,300.00 for 2021-2022 to support the activities and programs of the MiSTEM network regions. In addition, from the federal funds allocated under subsection (1), there is allocated for 2021-2022 an amount estimated at $235,000.00 from DED-OESE, title II, mathematics and science partnership grants, for the purposes of this subsection. From the money allocated under this subsection, the department shall award the fiscal agent for each MiSTEM network region $200,000.00 for the base operations of each region. The department shall distribute the remaining funds to each fiscal agent in an equal amount per pupil, based on the number of K to 12 pupils enrolled in districts within each region in the immediately preceding fiscal year.

(6) A MiSTEM network region shall do all of the following:

(a) Collaborate with the career and educational advisory council that is located in the MiSTEM region to develop a regional strategic plan for STEM education that creates a robust regional STEM culture, that empowers STEM teachers, that integrates business and education into the STEM network, and that ensures high-quality STEM experiences for pupils. At a minimum, a regional STEM strategic plan should do all of the following:

(i) Identify regional employer need for STEM.

(ii) Identify processes for regional employers and educators to create guided pathways for STEM careers that include internships or externships, apprenticeships, and other experiential engagements for pupils.

(iii) Identify educator professional learning opportunities, including internships or externships and apprenticeships, that integrate this state's science standards into high-quality STEM experiences that engage pupils.

(b) Facilitate regional STEM events such as educator and employer networking and STEM career fairs to raise STEM awareness.

(c) Contribute to the MiSTEM website and engage in other MiSTEM network functions to further the mission of STEM in this state in coordination with the MiSTEM council and the department of labor and economic opportunity.

(d) Facilitate application and implementation of state and federal funds under this subsection and any other grants or funds for the MiSTEM network region.

(e) Work with districts to provide STEM programming and professional learning.

(f) Coordinate recurring discussions and work with the career and educational advisory council to ensure that feedback and best practices are being shared, including funding, program, professional learning opportunities, and regional strategic plans.

(7) From the state school aid fund money allocated under subsection (1), the department shall distribute for 2021-2022 an amount not to exceed $750,000.00, in a form and manner determined by the department, to those network regions able to further the statewide STEM strategy recommended by the MiSTEM council.

(8) In order to receive state or federal funds under subsection (5) or (7), or to receive funds from private sources as authorized under subsection (1), a grant recipient must allow access for the department or the department's designee to audit all records related to the program for which it receives those funds. The grant recipient shall reimburse the state for all disallowances found in the audit.

(9) In order to receive state funds under subsection (5) or (7), a grant recipient must provide at least a 10% local match from local public or private resources for the funds received under this subsection.

(10) Not later than July 1 of each year, a MiSTEM network region that receives funds under subsection (5) shall report to the executive director of the MiSTEM network in a form and manner prescribed by the executive director on performance measures developed by the MiSTEM network regions and approved by the executive director. The performance measures must be designed to ensure that the activities of the MiSTEM network are improving student academic outcomes.

(11) Not more than 5% of a MiSTEM network region grant under subsection (5) or (7) may be retained by a fiscal agent for serving as the fiscal agent of a MiSTEM network region.

(12) From the general fund money allocated under subsection (1), there is allocated an amount not to exceed $300,000.00 to the department of labor and economic opportunity to support the staff for the MiSTEM network, and for administrative, training, and travel costs related to the MiSTEM council. The staff for the MiSTEM network shall do all of the following:

(a) Serve as a liaison among and between the department, the department of labor and economic opportunity, the MiSTEM council, the governor's workforce development board, the MiSTEM regions, and any other relevant organization or entity in a manner that creates a robust statewide STEM culture, that empowers STEM teachers, that integrates business and education into the STEM network, and that ensures high-quality STEM experiences for pupils.

(b) Coordinate the implementation of a marketing campaign, including, but not limited to, a website that includes dashboards of outcomes, to build STEM awareness and communicate STEM needs and opportunities to pupils, parents, educators, and the business community.

(c) Work with the department and the MiSTEM council to coordinate, award, and monitor MiSTEM state and federal grants to the MiSTEM network regions and conduct reviews of grant recipients, including, but not limited to, pupil experience and feedback.

(d) Report to the governor, the legislature, the department, and the MiSTEM council annually on the activities and performance of the MiSTEM network regions.

(e) Coordinate recurring discussions and work with regional staff to ensure that a network or loop of feedback and best practices are shared, including funding, programming, professional learning opportunities, discussion of MiSTEM strategic vision, and regional objectives.

(f) Coordinate major grant application efforts with the MiSTEM council to assist regional staff with grant applications on a local level. The MiSTEM council shall leverage private and nonprofit relationships to coordinate and align private funds in addition to funds appropriated under this section.

(g) Train state and regional staff in the STEMworks rating system, in collaboration with the MiSTEM council and the department.

(h) Hire MiSTEM network region staff in collaboration with the network region fiscal agent.

(13) As used in this section:

(a) "Career and educational advisory council" means an advisory council to the local workforce development boards located in a prosperity region consisting of educational, employer, labor, and parent representatives.

(b) "DED" means the United States Department of Education.

(c) "DED-OESE" means the DED Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.

(d) "MiSTEM Council" means the Michigan Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Advisory Council created as an advisory body within the department of labor and economic opportunity by Executive Reorganization Order No. 2019-3, MCL 125.1998.

(e) "STEM" means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics delivered in an integrated fashion using cross-disciplinary learning experiences that can include language arts, performing and fine arts, and career and technical education.

History: Add. 2015, Act 85, Eff. Oct. 1, 2015 ;-- Am. 2016, Act 249, Eff. Oct. 1, 2016 ;-- Am. 2017, Act 108, Eff. Oct. 1, 2017 ;-- Am. 2018, Act 265, Eff. Oct. 1, 2018 ;-- Am. 2019, Act 58, Eff. Oct. 1, 2019 ;-- Am. 2020, Act 165, Eff. Oct. 1, 2020 ;-- Am. 2021, Act 48, Eff. Oct. 1, 2021
Compiler's Notes: For the transfer of powers and duties of the MiSTEM advisory council from the department of technology, management, and budget to the department of labor and economic opportunity, abolishment of the MiSTEM advisory council and the positions of executive director and executive assistant for the MISTEM network, and creation of the MI-STEM Council within the department of labor and economic opportunity, see E.R.O. No. 2019-3, compiled at MCL 125.1998.

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