English Language Learners; English Language Proficiency Assessment; Allocation of Funds; Report; Audit; Review of Per-Pupil Distribution.

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Sec. 41.

(1) For a district to be eligible to receive funding under this section, the district must administer to English language learners the English language proficiency assessment known as the "WIDA ACCESS for English language learners" or the "WIDA Alternate ACCESS". From the state school aid fund money appropriated in section 11, there is allocated an amount not to exceed $25,200,000.00 for 2021-2022 for payments to eligible districts for services for English language learners who have been administered the WIDA ACCESS for English language learners.

(2) The department shall distribute funding allocated under subsection (1) to eligible districts based on the number of full-time equivalent English language learners as follows:

(a) $935.00 per full-time equivalent English language learner who has been assessed under the WIDA ACCESS for English language learners or the WIDA Alternate ACCESS with a WIDA ACCESS or WIDA Alternate ACCESS composite score between 1.0 and 1.9, or less, as applicable to each assessment.

(b) $645.00 per full-time equivalent English language learner who has been assessed under the WIDA ACCESS for English language learners or the WIDA Alternate ACCESS with a WIDA ACCESS or WIDA Alternate ACCESS composite score between 2.0 and 2.9, or less, as applicable to each assessment.

(c) $105.00 per full-time equivalent English language learner who has been assessed under the WIDA ACCESS for English language learners or the WIDA Alternate ACCESS with a WIDA ACCESS or WIDA Alternate ACCESS composite score between 3.0 and 3.9, or less, as applicable to each assessment.

(3) If funds allocated under subsection (1) are insufficient to fully fund the payments as prescribed under subsection (2), the department shall prorate payments on an equal percentage basis, with the same percentage proration applied to all funding categories.

(4) Each district receiving funds under subsection (1) shall submit to the department by July 15 of each fiscal year a report, not to exceed 10 pages, on the usage by the district of funds under subsection (1) in a form and manner determined by the department, including a brief description of each program conducted or services performed by the district using funds under subsection (1) and the amount of funds under subsection (1) allocated to each of those programs or services. If a district does not comply with this subsection, the department shall withhold an amount equal to the August payment due under this section until the district complies with this subsection. If the district does not comply with this subsection by the end of the fiscal year, the withheld funds are forfeited to the school aid fund.

(5) In order to receive funds under subsection (1), a district must allow access for the department or the department's designee to audit all records related to the program for which it receives those funds. The district shall reimburse this state for all disallowances found in the audit.

(6) Beginning July 1, 2020, and every 3 years thereafter, the department shall review the per-pupil distribution under subsection (2), to ensure that funding levels are appropriate and make recommendations for adjustments to the members of the senate and house subcommittees on K-12 school aid appropriations.

History: Add. 2013, Act 60, Eff. Oct. 1, 2013 ;-- Am. 2014, Act 196, Imd. Eff. June 24, 2014 ;-- Am. 2015, Act 85, Eff. Oct. 1, 2015 ;-- Am. 2016, Act 249, Eff. Oct. 1, 2016 ;-- Am. 2017, Act 108, Eff. Oct. 1, 2017 ;-- Am. 2018, Act 265, Eff. Oct. 1, 2018 ;-- Am. 2019, Act 58, Eff. Oct. 1, 2019 ;-- Am. 2020, Act 165, Eff. Oct. 1, 2020 ;-- Am. 2021, Act 48, Eff. Oct. 1, 2021
Compiler's Notes: Former MCL 388.1641, which pertained to instructions for pupils of limited English-speaking ability, was repealed by Act 62 of 2011, Eff. Oct. 1, 2011.Subsection (7), as added by Act 58 of 2019, was vetoed by the governor on September 30, 2019.

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