Early Childhood Funding; Local Great Start Collaborative and Parent Coalition; Outcomes; Workgroups; Home Visits to At-Risk Children and Families; Report; Carrying Over Unexpended Funds.

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Sec. 32p.

(1) From the state school aid fund money appropriated in section 11, there is allocated an amount not to exceed $13,400,000.00 to intermediate districts for 2021-2022 for the purpose of providing early childhood funding to intermediate districts to support the goals and outcomes under subsection (2) and subsection (4), and to provide early childhood programs for children from birth through age 8. The funding provided to each intermediate district under this section is determined by the distribution formula established by the department's office of great start to provide equitable funding statewide. In order to receive funding under this section, each intermediate district must provide an application to the office of great start not later than September 15 of the immediately preceding fiscal year indicating the strategies planned to be provided.

(2) Each intermediate district or consortium of intermediate districts that receives funding under this section shall convene a local great start collaborative and a parent coalition that includes an active partnership with at least 1 community-based organization. The goal of each great start collaborative and parent coalition is to ensure the coordination and expansion of local early childhood infrastructure and programs that allow every child in the community to achieve the following outcomes:

(a) Children born healthy.

(b) Children healthy, thriving, and developmentally on track from birth to grade 3.

(c) Children developmentally ready to succeed in school at the time of school entry.

(d) Children prepared to succeed in fourth grade and beyond by reading proficiently by the end of third grade.

(3) Each local great start collaborative and parent coalition shall convene workgroups to make recommendations about community services designed to achieve the outcomes described in subsection (2) and to ensure that its local great start system includes the following supports for children from birth through age 8:

(a) Physical health.

(b) Social-emotional health.

(c) Family supports and basic needs.

(d) Parent education.

(e) Early education, including the child's development of skills linked to success in foundational literacy, and care.

(4) From the funds allocated in subsection (1), at least $2,500,000.00 must be used for the purpose of providing home visits to at-risk children and their families. The home visits must be conducted as part of a locally coordinated, family-centered, evidence-based, data-driven home visit strategic plan that is approved by the department. The goals of the home visits funded under this subsection are to improve school readiness using evidence-based methods, including a focus on developmentally appropriate outcomes for early literacy, to improve positive parenting practices, and to improve family economic self-sufficiency while reducing the impact of high-risk factors through community resources and referrals. The department shall coordinate the goals of the home visit strategic plans approved under this subsection with other state agency home visit programs in a way that strengthens Michigan's home visiting infrastructure and maximizes federal funds available for the purposes of at-risk family home visits. The coordination among departments and agencies is intended to avoid duplication of state services and spending, and should emphasize efficient service delivery of home visiting programs.

(5) Not later than December 1 of each year, each intermediate district shall provide a report to the department detailing the strategies actually implemented during the immediately preceding school year and the families and children actually served. At a minimum, the report must include an evaluation of the services provided with additional funding under subsection (4) for home visits, using the goals identified in subsection (4) as the basis for the evaluation, including the degree to which school readiness was improved, the degree to which positive parenting practices were improved, the degree to which there was improved family economic self-sufficiency, and the degree to which community resources and referrals were utilized. The department shall compile and summarize these reports and submit its summary to the house and senate appropriations subcommittees on school aid and to the house and senate fiscal agencies not later than February 15 of each year.

(6) An intermediate district or consortium of intermediate districts that receives funding under this section may carry over any unexpended funds received under this section into the next fiscal year and may expend those unused funds through June 30 of the next fiscal year. However, an intermediate district or consortium of intermediate districts that receives funding for the purposes described in subsection (2) in fiscal year 2021-2022 shall not carry over into the next fiscal year any amount exceeding 20% of the amount awarded to the intermediate district or consortium in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. It is intended that the amount carried over from funding awarded for the purposes described in subsection (2) in fiscal year 2022-2023 not exceed 15% of the amount awarded in that fiscal year. A recipient of a grant shall return any unexpended grant funds to the department in the manner prescribed by the department not later than September 30 of the next fiscal year after the fiscal year in which the funds are received.

History: Add. 2012, Act 201, Eff. Oct. 1, 2012 ;-- Am. 2013, Act 60, Eff. Oct. 1, 2013 ;-- Am. 2014, Act 196, Eff. Oct. 1, 2014 ;-- Am. 2015, Act 85, Eff. Oct. 1, 2015 ;-- Am. 2016, Act 249, Eff. Oct. 1, 2016 ;-- Am. 2017, Act 108, Eff. Oct. 1, 2017 ;-- Am. 2018, Act 265, Eff. Oct. 1, 2018 ;-- Am. 2019, Act 58, Eff. Oct. 1, 2019 ;-- Am. 2020, Act 165, Eff. Oct. 1, 2020 ;-- Am. 2021, Act 48, Eff. Oct. 1, 2021

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