District Assigned to Partnership or a Community Engagement Advisory Committee to Improve Student Achievement and District Financial Stability; Eligibility for Funding; Approval of an Academic and Financial Operating or Intervention Plan; Allocation and Use of Funds; Funds for Data Analytics Tool; Report.

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Sec. 21h.

(1) From the state school aid fund money appropriated in section 11, there is allocated $6,137,400.00 for 2021-2022 for assisting districts assigned by the superintendent to participate in a partnership and districts that have established a community engagement advisory committee in partnership with the department of treasury, are required to submit a deficit elimination plan or an enhanced deficit elimination plan under section 1220 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1220, and are located in a city with a population between 9,000 and 11,000, as determined by the department, that is in a county with a population between 150,000 and 160,000, as determined by the department, to improve student achievement and district financial stability. The superintendent shall collaborate with the state treasurer to identify any conditions that may be contributing to low academic performance within a district being considered for assignment to a partnership. The purpose of the partnership is to identify district needs, develop intervention plans, and partner with public, private, and nonprofit organizations to coordinate resources and improve student achievement. Assignment of a district to a partnership is made by the superintendent in consultation with the state treasurer.

(2) A district described in subsection (1) is eligible for funding under this section if the district includes at least 1 school that has been identified as low performing under the approved federal accountability system or the state accountability system. A district described in this subsection must do all of the following to be eligible for funding under this section:

(a) For a partnership district under this section, within 90 days of assignment to the partnership described in this section, and for a district described in subsection (1) that is not a partnership district under this section, by October 15 of each year, complete a comprehensive needs assessment or evaluation in collaboration with an intermediate district, community members, education organizations, and postsecondary institutions, as applicable, that is approved by the superintendent. The comprehensive needs assessment or evaluation must include at least all of the following:

(i) A review of the district's implementation and utilization of a multi-tiered system of supports to ensure that it is used to appropriately inform instruction.

(ii) A review of the district and school building leadership and educator capacity to substantially improve student outcomes.

(iii) A review of classroom, instructional, and operational practices and curriculum to ensure alignment with research-based instructional practices and state curriculum standards.

(b) Develop an academic and financial operating or intervention plan that has been approved by the superintendent and that addresses the needs identified in the comprehensive needs assessment or evaluation completed under subdivision (a). The intervention plan must include at least all of the following:

(i) Specific actions that will be taken by the district and each of its partners to improve student achievement.

(ii) Specific measurable benchmarks that will be met within 18 months to improve student achievement and identification of expected student achievement outcomes to be attained within 3 years after assignment to the partnership.

(c) Craft academic goals that put pupils on track to meet or exceed grade level proficiency.

(3) Upon approval of the academic and financial operating or intervention plan developed under subsection (2), the department, in collaboration with the department of treasury, shall assign a team of individuals with expertise in comprehensive school and district reform to partner with the district, the intermediate district, community organizations, education organizations, and postsecondary institutions identified in the academic and financial operating or intervention plan to review the district's use of existing financial resources to ensure that those resources are being used as efficiently and effectively as possible to improve student academic achievement and to ensure district financial stability. The superintendent of public instruction may waive burdensome administrative rules for a partnership district for the duration of the partnership agreement and for a district described in subsection (1) that is not a partnership district under this section and that receives funding under this section in the current fiscal year.

(4) Funds allocated under this section, excluding funds allocated under subsection (5), may be used to pay for district expenditures approved by the superintendent to improve student achievement. Funds may be used for professional development for teachers or district or school leadership, increased instructional time, teacher mentors, or other expenditures that directly impact student achievement and cannot be paid from existing district financial resources. An eligible district must not receive funds under this section for more than 3 years. Notwithstanding section 17b, the department shall make payments to districts under this section on a schedule determined by the department.

(5) From the funds allocated under subsection (1), there is allocated for 2021-2022 an amount not to exceed $137,400.00 for the purchase of a data analytics tool to be used by districts described in subsection (1). The superintendent of public instruction shall require districts described in subsection (1) to purchase a data analytics tool funded under this subsection as part of the agreements described in this section.

(6) The department, in consultation with the department of treasury, shall annually report to the legislature on the activities funded under this section and how those activities impacted student achievement in districts that received funds under this section. To the extent possible, participating districts receiving funding under this section shall participate in the report.

History: Add. 2017, Act 108, Eff. Oct. 1, 2017 ;-- Am. 2018, Act 265, Eff. Oct. 1, 2018 ;-- Am. 2019, Act 58, Eff. Oct. 1, 2019 ;-- Am. 2020, Act 165, Eff. Oct. 1, 2020 ;-- Am. 2021, Act 48, Eff. Oct. 1, 2021

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