Owner, Operator, and Governing Body of Freestanding Surgical Outpatient Facility; Responsibilities and Duties.

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Sec. 20813.

The owner, operator, and governing body of a freestanding surgical outpatient facility licensed under this article:

(a) Are responsible for all phases of the operation of the facility, selection of medical staff, and quality of care rendered in the facility.

(b) Shall cooperate with the department in the enforcement of this article and require that the physicians and other personnel working in the facility and for whom a state license or registration is required be currently licensed or registered.

(c) Shall assure that physicians admitted to practice in the facility are granted professional privileges consistent with the capability of the facility and with the physicians' individual training, experience, and other qualifications.

(d) Shall assure that physicians admitted to practice in the facility are organized into a medical staff to enable an effective review of the professional practices of the facility for the purpose of reducing morbidity and mortality and improving the care provided in the facility for patients.

(e) Shall assure that the facility does not pay a fee to compensate or reimburse a medical referral agency or other person that refers or recommends an individual to a facility for any form of medical or surgical care or treatment.

History: 1978, Act 368, Eff. Sept. 30, 1978
Popular Name: Act 368

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