General Definitions and Principles of Construction.

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Sec. 20801.

Article 1 contains general definitions and principles of construction applicable to all articles in this code and part 201 contains definitions applicable to this part.

History: 1978, Act 368, Eff. Sept. 30, 1978
Compiler's Notes: For transfer of powers and duties of the division of health facility licensing and certification in the bureau of health systems, division of federal support services, and the division of emergency medical services, with the exception of the division of managed care and division of health facility development, from the department of public health to the director of the department of commerce, see E.R.O. No. 1996-1, compiled at MCL 330.3101 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.For transfer of powers and duties of the bureau of health services from the department of consumer and industry services to the director of the department of community health by Type II transfer, see E.R.O. No. 2003-1, compiled at MCL 445.2011.
Popular Name: Act 368

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