Exclusive Ownership and Possession; Restrictions

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Section 4. Each unit owner shall be entitled to the exclusive ownership and possession of his unit, subject to the provisions of this section and of sections seventeen, eighteen and nineteen; provided, however, that:—

(1) No unit shall be devoted to a use prohibited in the master deed or any lease which is submitted to the provisions of this chapter;

(2) The organization of unit owners, its agent or agents shall have access to each unit from time to time during reasonable hours for the maintenance, repair or replacement of any of the common areas and facilities therein or accessible therefrom or for making emergency repairs therein necessary to prevent damage to the common areas and facilities or to another unit or units; and

(3) Each unit owner shall comply with the by-laws and with any administrative rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, as either of the same may be amended from time to time, and with the lawful covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth in the master deed or in the deed to his unit and with each lease which is submitted to the provisions of this chapter.

(4) Each unit owner shall provide to the organization of unit owners and to each mortgagee holding a recorded mortgage upon the unit, within sixty days of the effective date of this subsection or at the time of acquisition of title to the unit, whichever comes later, written notice of the unit owner's name and mailing address. Thereafter, the unit owner shall provide written notice to the organization and said mortgagees of any changes in the name or mailing address previously provided by the unit owner. The organization and mortgagees may rely in good faith upon the most recent notice of name and address for the purpose of providing notices to the unit owner under this chapter or under provisions of the loan documents or condominium documents, and such notices sent in writing to the address listed in the most recent notice of name and address, if relied upon in good faith, shall be deemed sufficiently given, provided that the organization or mortgagee, as the case may be, has complied with other requirements, if any, of this chapter and the loan or condominium documents.

(5) The organization of unit owners shall provide to each mortgagee holding a recorded mortgage upon a unit, written notice of the organization's name and mailing address. The organization shall provide written notice to each such mortgagee of any changes in the name or mailing address previously provided by the organization. Each mortgagee holding a recorded mortgage upon a unit shall give written notice of the mortgagee's name and mailing address to the organization of unit owners. Thereafter, each mortgagee shall provide written notice to the organization of any changes in said name and address for the purpose of providing notices to the mortgagee under this chapter or under the provisions of the loan documents or condominium documents. The organization and mortgagees may rely in good faith upon the most recent notice of name and address for the purpose of providing notices to the organization and mortgagees, as the case may be, under this chapter or under the provisions of the loan documents or condominium documents. In addition, any first mortgagee may at any time give notice to both the unit owner and the organization of unit owners of its desire to receive notice regarding the granting of an easement or other interest or the granting or designation of a limited common area, or the taking of other action by the organization of unit owners all as provided for in paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of section 5. Notice to the governing body of the organization of unit owners shall be deemed notice to the organization of unit owners. Any notices sent in writing to a mortgagee or to the governing body of the organization of unit owners, as listed in the most recent notice of name and address, if relied upon in good faith, shall be deemed sufficiently given, provided that the organization or mortgagee, as the case may be, has given notice as required by this chapter.

(6) Each unit owner shall provide in writing to the organization of unit owners the name or names of any tenants or occupants of the unit, other than visitors for less than thirty days.

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