Right of Residential Real Property Mortgagor to Cure a Default; Notice Required to Accelerate Maturity of Balance; Contents of Notice; Late Fees; Filing

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Section 35A. (a) Any mortgagor of residential real property located in the commonwealth, shall have a 90–day right to cure a default of a required payment as provided in such residential mortgage or note secured by such residential real property by full payment of all amounts that are due without acceleration of the maturity of the unpaid balance of such mortgage. The right to cure a default of a required payment shall be granted once during any 5–year period, regardless of the mortgage holder. For the purposes of this section, ''residential property'', shall mean real property located in the commonwealth having thereon a dwelling house with accommodations for 4 or less separate households and occupied, or to be occupied, in whole or in part by the mortgagor; provided, however, that residential property shall be limited to the principal residence of a person; provided further, that residential property shall not include an investment property or residence other than a primary residence; and provided further, that residential property shall not include residential property taken in whole or in part as collateral for a commercial loan.

(b) The mortgagee, or anyone holding thereunder, shall not accelerate maturity of the unpaid balance of such mortgage obligation or otherwise enforce the mortgage because of a default consisting of the mortgagor's failure to make any such payment in subsection (a) by any method authorized by this chapter or any other law until at least 90 days after the date a written notice is given by the mortgagee to the mortgagor.

Said notice shall be deemed to be delivered to the mortgagor: (i) when delivered by hand to the mortgagor; or (ii) when sent by first class mail and certified mail or similar service by a private carrier to the mortgagor at the mortgagor's address last known to the mortgagee or anyone holding thereunder.

(c) The notice required in subsection (b) shall inform the mortgagor of the following:—

(1) the nature of the default claimed on such mortgage of residential real property and of the mortgagor's right to cure the default by paying the sum of money required to cure the default;

(2) the date by which the mortgagor shall cure the default to avoid acceleration, a foreclosure or other action to seize the home, which date shall not be less than 90 days after service of the notice and the name, address and local or toll free telephone number of a person to whom the payment or tender shall be made;

(3) that, if the mortgagor does not cure the default by the date specified, the mortgagee, or anyone holding thereunder, may take steps to terminate the mortgagor's ownership in the property by a foreclosure proceeding or other action to seize the home;

(4) the name and address of the mortgagee, or anyone holding thereunder, and the telephone number of a representative of the mortgagee whom the mortgagor may contact if the mortgagor disagrees with the mortgagee's assertion that a default has occurred or the correctness of the mortgagee's calculation of the amount required to cure the default;

(5) the name of any current and former mortgage broker or mortgage loan originator for such mortgage or note securing the residential property;

(6) that the mortgagor may be eligible for assistance from the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency and the division of banks and the local or toll free telephone numbers the mortgagor may call to request this assistance;

(7) that the mortgagor may sell the property prior to the foreclosure sale and use the proceeds to pay off the mortgage;

(8) that the mortgagor may redeem the property by paying the total amount due, prior to the foreclosure sale;

(9) that the mortgagor may be evicted from the home after a foreclosure sale; and

(10) the mortgagor may have the following additional rights, depending on the terms of the residential mortgage: (i) to refinance the obligation by obtaining a loan which would fully repay the residential mortgage debtor; and (ii) to voluntarily grant a deed to the residential mortgage lender in lieu of foreclosure.

The notice shall also include a declaration, appearing on the first page of the notice stating: ''This is an important notice concerning your right to live in your home. Have it translated at once.''

The division of banks shall adopt regulations in accordance with this subsection.

(d) To cure a default prior to acceleration under this section, a mortgagor shall not be required to pay any charge, fee, or penalty attributable to the exercise of the right to cure a default. The mortgagor shall pay late fees as allowed pursuant to section 59 of chapter 183 and per-diem interest to cure such default. The mortgagor shall not be liable for any attorneys' fees relating to the mortgagor's default that are incurred by the mortgagee or anyone holding thereunder prior to or during the period set forth in the notice required by this section. The mortgagee, or anyone holding thereunder, may also provide for reinstatement of the note after the 90 day notice to cure has ended.

(e) A copy of the notice required by this section and an affidavit demonstrating compliance with this section shall be filed by the mortgagee, or anyone holding thereunder, in any action or proceeding to foreclose on such residential real property.

(f) A copy of the notice required by this section shall also be filed by the mortgagee, or anyone holding thereunder, with the commissioner of the division of banks. Additionally, if the residential property securing the mortgage loan is sold at a foreclosure sale, the mortgagee, or anyone holding thereunder, shall notify the commissioner of the division of banks, in writing, of the date of the foreclosure sale and the purchase price obtained at the sale.

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