Vessels Required to Employ Commissioned Pilots; Liability for Rates; Subject to Regulations; Commission as Transit Pilot

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Section 21. Every foreign vessel of three hundred and fifty gross tons or over, every other United States vessel that is carrying oil, hazardous material, or hazardous waste in bulk as cargo in or entering upon areas of special interest within the waters of the commonwealth, every United States vessel under register of three hundred and fifty gross tons or over, and every other vessel not exempted by section twenty-eight or the laws of the United States, entering, departing in transit or shifting within the confines of any district of the commonwealth shall take and employ a pilot commissioned under this chapter, and shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter. Said vessel, its master, owner, agent or consignee shall be liable for and pay pilotage rates in accordance with the pilotage laws established under the provisions of this chapter. Said vessels shall be subject to regulations established by the pilot commissioners.

Any persons duly licensed by the United States Coast Guard as mate or master of a United States steam or motor vessel, of unlimited gross tons upon oceans, with a United States Coast Guard first class pilot endorsement for the waters of Cape Cod Bay, Cape Cod Canal, Buzzards Bay, Nantucket Sound or Vineyard Sound, may apply to the district 3 commissioner of pilots for a transit commission to navigate in those waters. A person so applying shall present proof of 15 round trips as a pilot or as a pilot under instruction or equivalent transits over those waters within the past 3 years before the date of application, as well as any federal course certifications as may be required.

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