Notice of Proceedings; Parties

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Section 10B. The court shall, after consideration of the complaint, instrument or instruments and plan or sketch, and such further documents or evidence as it may require, prescribe the form of notice to be given, the persons to be named or described therein, the manner of service of the notice, and the proof to be required of such service. The court may (1) permit service by registered mail on any person, (2) permit names and addresses of owners to be given from the last assessments for local taxation and record search for subsequent changes, (3) require notice to be published in a newspaper or posted on the subject land or both, (4) name as representative of all persons entitled to enforce the restriction, if it benefits more than four parcels, the owners of the benefited land abutting the subject parcel or parcels and of such additional benefited land in or facing the same block or blocks or in the same vicinity as it deems appropriate, describing the remaining persons generally as the owners of certain identified land and permitting service upon them by publication only, (5) order other or additional notice at any time as it deems most effectual, and (6) if it finds that there are persons benefited but not actually served and for whom others served are not sufficiently representative, appoint a disinterested person to represent them and order costs thereof paid by the plaintiff or plaintiffs. Any person entitled to enforce the restriction, whether or not named or described in the notice, may become a party to the proceeding by filing answer within the time specified by the notice or by the court.

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