Transfer of rights or interest in property by political subdivision; State land below high-water mark and in State highway right-of-way

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    (a)    (1)    Notwithstanding any other law, the governing body of a political subdivision may transfer jurisdiction over, lease, lend, give, sell, or convey to an authority, on the request of the authority, with or without consideration, any of the following:

            (i)    Any facility;

            (ii)    Any right or interest in a facility;

            (iii)    Any property that appertains to a facility;

            (iv)    Any real property; or

            (v)    Any right or interest in real property.

        (2)    The authority shall use property transferred or conveyed under this subsection in connection with the construction, extension, repair, improvement, maintenance, or operation of 1 or more projects of the authority.

        (3)    The transfer or conveyance shall be on terms and conditions that the governing body of the political subdivision determines to be in the best interests of the political subdivision.

    (b)    (1)    If the land is necessary or desirable in connection with the construction, extension, repair, improvement, maintenance, or operation of any project, this State consents to the use by an authority of any land that is:

            (i)    Owned or controlled by this State; and

            (ii)    1.    Below the high-water mark of any waters of this State; or

                2.    In the right-of-way of any State highway.

        (2)    The State Highway Administration must approve the use of land that is in any State highway right-of-way.

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