Connection of abutting land to sanitary sewer

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    (a)    In this section, “abutting lot” means a parcel of land:

        (1)    That abuts on a street or other public way that contains a sanitary sewer that is part of, is served by, or may be served by the sewerage system of an authority; and

        (2)    On which a building has been constructed for residential, commercial, or industrial use.

    (b)    Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, when an authority acquires or constructs a sewerage system under this subtitle, the authority, by rule, regulation, or resolution, may require each owner of an abutting lot to:

        (1)    Connect with the sewerage system of the authority each building that is constructed for residential, commercial, or industrial use on the abutting lot; and

        (2)    Stop using any other method for the disposal of sewage or other polluting matter.

    (c)    The authority may not require the owner of an abutting lot to connect any building on the abutting lot if the abutting lot is served by a facility for the disposal of sewage or other polluting matter that was constructed and is operated in accordance with standards set or approved by the Secretary.

    (d)    Whenever this section requires a person to connect a building to the sewerage system of an authority, the person shall make the connection in accordance with the rules and regulations of the authority.

    (e)    The rules and regulations of an authority may set a reasonable charge for making a connection under this section.

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