Issuance and sale of bonds -- Special provisions in Allegany County, Dorchester County, and Middletown in Frederick County

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    (a)    This section applies only in Allegany County, Dorchester County, and the town of Middletown in Frederick County.

    (b)    (1)    An authority may not issue bonds unless the question of issuance of the bonds is submitted to the registered voters who reside within the geographical area served by the authority.

        (2)    The governing body and the board of election supervisors in each political subdivision shall do whatever is necessary and proper to submit the question to a referendum of the qualified voters of the political subdivision.

    (c)    A qualified voter at a referendum under this section is an individual who:

        (1)    Lives within the geographic area served by the authority; and

        (2)    Is qualified and registered to vote in State and county elections in the area.

    (d)    (1)    The board of directors of the authority shall set the date for the referendum.

        (2)    Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, the Election Law Article governs the conduct of the referendum.

    (e)    The appropriate board of election supervisors shall print the words “For the bond issue” and “Against the bond issue” on each ballot at a referendum under this section.

    (f)    (1)    If a majority of the qualified voters who vote on the question vote “For the bond issue”, the authority may issue the bonds.

        (2)    If a majority of the qualified voters who vote on the question vote “Against the bond issue”, the authority may not issue the bonds.

    (g)    A referendum under this section does not prevent an authority from submitting the same or a similar question at another referendum that is held at a later time.

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