Duplication of powers and competition with existing utilities or authorities; specification of projects and powers; creation of additional authorities

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    (a)    An authority may not use any of its powers under this subtitle to construct, improve, maintain, or operate a project that in any way duplicates or competes with an existing public or private utility that serves substantially the same purposes.

    (b)    (1)    By law, the governing bodies of the member political subdivisions may limit the projects that the authority may begin. If a limitation is made, the authority may not begin a project that is not authorized.

        (2)    If the governing bodies of the member political subdivisions do not limit the projects that the authority may begin, the authority has all of the powers granted by this subtitle.

    (c)    (1)    The governing body of a political subdivision that has created an authority under this subtitle may not create any other authority to serve any part of the same area.

        (2)    Unless the governing body of every other member political subdivision consents by law, a member political subdivision may not create or join in the creation of any other authority.

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