Quorum; meetings; compensation; staff

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    (a)    (1)    A majority of the full authorized membership of the board of directors of an authority is a quorum to do business.

        (2)    Unless the bylaws require a larger number, the board may take any action by a majority vote of the directors present at a validly called meeting.

    (b)    The board shall determine the times and places of its meetings.

    (c)    (1)    A citizen director is entitled to the compensation set by:

            (i)    The governing body of the single political subdivision that incorporated or continues the authority; or

            (ii)    The governing bodies of the member political subdivisions.

        (2)    However, the compensation for a citizen director may not be increased or decreased during the term of the director.

        (3)    A director who is also a member of the governing body of a political subdivision may not receive compensation for service as a director.

    (d)    The board may:

        (1)    Set the number of officers, agents, and employees that the board considers proper;

        (2)    Set the powers, duties, and compensation for these employees; and

        (3)    Elect or appoint any director as an officer, agent, or employee.

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